
对于一些托运人, freight expenditures are one of the highest costs in their logistics and supply chain operations. There are many complexities and considerations when moving products by freight, and selecting the wrong services and solutions can incur additional expenses.

减少这方面的开支, companies have looked for ways to improve efficiency, manage all parts of the manufacturing and shipping process, 并消除所有延误的来源. One of the solutions where many of our customers see success is freight consolidation — sometimes known as consolidated cargo or transportation consolidation, 在其他名字中.


Freight consolidation is the process of combining multiple 小卡车(LTL)运输 (that are headed to the same location or region) into one 全卡车(超光速)运输. While this is the principle definition of the practice, 它的工作方式有多种变化.

For example, all the consolidated LTL freight shipping could come from the same company. Or in many cases, multiple shippers could work together and share space on an FTL truck.

另外, the FTL freight carrier could make multiple stops to pick up the LTL loads or could gather them all at a warehouse space shared by multiple shippers.

There are other consolidated freight strategies, too. What's important to remember is that more than one LTL shipment will be sharing space on an FTL truck when leveraging consolidated freight.


There are many advantages to implementing consolidated freight into your shipping strategy. In many cases, it can save you money, optimize your supply chain and keep customers happy.

But remember, LTL freight can still have a very important role in your shipping strategy. Sometimes it will just make sense to leverage consolidated freight. Here is a detailed look at six reasons to incorporate it:

  • 降低运输成本 -通常是超光速货运, you would pay for the entire truck no matter how much space you take up. 然而, 运费合并, you have the opportunity to split costs with other companies that are sharing space on the truck with you.
  • 更快的交货时间 — FTL shipping stops fewer times and there is far less loading and unloading of products compared to the standard LTL hub-and-spoke distribution process. This allows shipments to arrive faster at their destination.
  • 减少损坏的机会 -如上所述, LTL货运比超光速货运更频繁, which makes it more susceptible to loss or damage. In general, that makes FTL freight shipments safer during transit.
  • 尽量减少排放 — Customers (along with the environment) appreciate your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint. 如果你实施运输整合, you can add this to your environmental statement on your website and let customers know you do your best to create fuel efficiency by reducing empty space on trucks.
  • 改进跟踪和交付预测 -使用较少的卡车, leveraging consolidated freight with FTL shipping allows you to avoid multiple tracking numbers. This can make tracking easier, and delivery estimates more accurate. 如果你 与第三方物流(3PL)合作 with a robust transportation management system.
  • 改善客户关系 -当你的货物交货更快时, more efficiently and with greater tracking capabilities, 你的客户会很高兴. Better services generally mean repeat customers, and freight consolidation can help in this regard.


There are many benefits to freight consolidation services, and the six we mention here can definitely bring value to your company. 然而, implementing a consolidated freight strategy — from point A to Z — can be difficult for many shippers who do not have experience in this area. 这就是第三方物流可以提供帮助的地方.

These logistics partners can enable shippers — particularly those with multiple locations — to compile data, analyze processes and consolidate shipments into full truckloads where possible. They should also have a large network of vetted FTL freight carrier partners and 提供运输管理系统 to help companies easily navigate the nuances of transportation consolidation.

最后, 为了方便十大菠菜台子, a 3PL can help you take advantage of unused space among their network of customers who are currently utilizing or are interested in leveraging freight consolidation.

十大菠菜台子 Can Maximize Freight Consolidation Strategy

十大菠菜台子 has decades of experience in the logistics industry and helps thousands of shippers of all sizes move products with great efficiency. 我们也是WWEX集团的一部分此外还有环球快递(Worldwide Express)和Unishippers. 结合, these three companies make up one of the largest and most diverse 3PLs in the industry, providing shippers with top solutions and financial stability that helps them succeed. 通过我们全套的运输解决方案, 我们每年出货4800万件, and have the resources and expertise to work with companies of all sizes in nearly every industry.

See how 十大菠菜台子 can help you transform your freight shipping with our transportation consolidation solutions. 今天就开始免费咨询吧!